A big congrats to the 2018 Queen of the Peak Winners!!

QOP Final pics.JPG


  1. Mathea Olin (Tofino)

  2. Sanoa Olin (Tofino)

  3. Bethany Zelasko (California)

  4. Hanna Scott (Tofino)


  1. Leah Dawson (Florida/Hawaii)

  2. Lydia Ricard (Tofino)

  3. Robin Clarke (California)

  4. Amy Souza (Ucluelet)

Princess of the Peak (under 16yr)

  1. Jasmine Porter (Tofino)

  2. Serena Porter (Tofino)

  3. Chloe Platenius (Tofino)

  4. Aqua Bruhwiler (Tofino)

Watch Fridays replay HERE!
Watch Saturdays replay HERE!
Watch Sundays replay HERE!

To see heat schedules and results from each category please click on the appropriate tab.